This version requires IIS 7. The setup will now terminate

As Microsoft continues to improve IIS, certain third-party components become incompatible with the new versions. I have recently worked on case where we tried to install an authentication module into a server with IIS 10. It threw this error message:

DIGIPASS Authentication for IIS Basic 3.4.0 Setup Information

This version of DIGIPASS Authentication for IIS Basic requires Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7. The setup will now terminate

Port 80 and 443 are not listened in IIS server

In order to host websites in a web server, we create bindings in IIS Manager. For example, we can configure a website called MySite to be accessible on port 80 via HTTP protocol. If you browse to the IP address of the server or the hostname of the website, IIS will display MySite.

The program can’t start because MSVCR71.dll is missing

IIS relies on libraries that contains functions to host ASP.NET, PHP or other types of web applications. If a library is missing or corrupt in the server, your application may not function properly and throw an error such as “The program can’t start because MSVCR71.dll is missing“.

(Solved) Disallowed Parent Path error (ASP 0131 ASP_LOG_ERROR)

There are two ways to reference a file in your code: Using an absolute path (Ex: /folder/file) or using a relative path (Ex: ../folder/file). If you use a relative path in your ASP code but your IIS server is not configured properly, you may come across to “Disallowed Parent Path” error (ASP 0131 ASP_LOG_ERROR).