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URL Rewrite Inbound rule to strip out folder names from URLs

Let’s say your website’s address is this:

but you want your users to see the URL below in their address bar (The name “testapp” is removed)

Here is the URL Rewrite Inbound rule to use for striping out the folder name from the path:

           <rule name="Remove testapp" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url=".*(testapp)(.+)" />
                <action type="Redirect" url={R:2} appendQueryString="false" />

If you also want to redirect HTTP to HTTPS, check this post out: How to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS by using IIS URL Rewrite

If you receive an error related to this configuration, this post may help: The configuration section rewrite/globalRules cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration

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