(Solved) No installed debugger has Just-In-Time debugging enabled

After installing Office 2016 in a server with SharePoint 2016, you may come across to “No installed debugger has Just-In-Time debugging enabled” error while visiting http://localhost in your browser.

The entire error message is below:

An unhandled win32 exception occurred in w3wp.exe [1472]. Just-In-Time debugging this exception failed with the following error: No installed debugger has Just-In-Time debugging enabled.


After analyzing DebugDiag dump, we found that an ISAPI Extension (OWSSVR) which is a library for SharePoint Team Services caused the issue. This library got affected by Office installation.

“Value does not fall within the expected range” issue (Solved)

IIS applications run on application pools. Application pools receive requests and process them based on the settings defined. One of the settings is application pool identity. This is the account that runs application pool and perform required tasks. You may come across to this error message while trying to set a custom account as application pool identity: “Value does not fall within the expected range.

This error occurs only if you are specifying a custom account and not using any predefined accounts such as ApplicationPoolIdentity or NetworkService.

The exact error message:

There was an error while performing this operation. Details: Value does not fall within the expected range.

9 Easy and Practical Recommendations to Improve IIS Performance

IIS hosts millions of websites around the world. Thanks to IIS Manager, it is easy to create and manage websites. Websites use default functional and performance settings which are efficient most of the time. However, you may want to fine-tune IIS performance for specific applications and cases.

Fine-tuning IIS Performance

In this post, I will explain 8 recommendations that potentially improves IIS performance. Most of the recommendations are compatible with IIS 7.0 and newer versions with a few exceptions. I will mention the exceptions in their respective section.

Recommendation areas:

  1. Output Caching
  2. Application Initialization
  3. Default Document
  4. HTTP keep-alive
  5. Cache-control Header
  6. Idle Time-out Action
  7. Dynamic Compression
  8. and 9. Other options (Queue Length, Enable 32-bit Applications)

Solved: 503 Service Unavailable error related to Windows Admin Center

Windows Admin Center is a web application that makes it easier to manage multiple servers via multiple Microsoft tools such System Center, RSAT, Intune, and PowerShell. If you install Windows Admin Center in an IIS server, you may come across “503 Service Unavailable” error.

Note: This post explains 503 error related to Windows Admin Center only. If the root cause is not this product, check this post out: HTTP 503 Service Unavailable (Application pool has been disabled)

What is Centralized Certificate Store (CCS) and how to use it?

CCS (Centralized Certificate Store) is feature we started using after IIS 8. It allows IIS to pick up website certificates from a network share instead of the local certificate store. For environments with multiple IIS servers, this is a feature that makes system administrators’ lives a lot easier. All you need to do is to add an IIS binding that points to CCS.

There are two steps to use CCS:

  1. Configure IIS to use CCS (a server-level setting in IIS)
  2. Add an IIS binding to your website. You can do it by
    • Using IIS Manager OR
    • Using PowerShell

Change in the default short date format for English (Canada)

Windows has language packages that store country specific settings such as short date format. I have recently came across an issue that was caused by an update in Canada’s language package.

Starting with Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8, the default date format for English (Canada) – short name is en-CA – was changed from dd/MM/yyyy to yyyy-MM-dd.

Microsoft is not planning to revert this change as yyyy-MM-dd is the recommended date format by The Government of Canada. However, there is no binding legislation so other formats are also used.

The Government of Canada recommends that all-numeric dates in both English and French use the YYYYMMDD format codified in ISO 8601.[10] The Standards Council of Canada also specifies this as the country’s date format.[11][12]

The YYYYMMDD format is the only method of writing a numeric date in Canada that allows unambiguous interpretation, and the only officially recommended format.[2] The presence of the DD/MM/YY (international) and MM/DD/YY (American) formats often results in misinterpretation. Using these systems, the date 7 January 2016 could be written as either 07/01/16 or 01/07/16, which readers can also interpret as 1 July 2016 (or 1916); conversely, 2016-01-07 cannot be interpreted as another date.

In spite of its official status and broad usage, there is no binding legislation requiring the use of the YYYYMMDD format, and other date formats continue to appear in many contexts.

Date and time notation in Canada

There is a proposed legislation to settle the date format debate. More information about the date/time implementation in Canada can be found in this page.

(Solved) IDX10311: RequireNonce is ‘true’ (default) but validationContext.Nonce is null

If your application is not able to authenticate using Azure AD, you may come across to this error message: “IDX10311: RequireNonce is ‘true’ (default) but validationContext.Nonce is null“.

Here is the full error message:

IDX10311: RequireNonce is ‘true’ (default) but validationContext.Nonce is null. A nonce cannot be validated. If you don’t need to check the nonce, set OpenIdConnectProtocolValidator.RequireNonce to ‘false’.

IDX10311: RequireNonce is 'true' (default) but validationContext.Nonce is null
IDX10311 error

(Solved) The directory specified for caching compressed content is invalid. Static compression is being disabled

I have come across to “Static compression is being disabled” error message in Event Viewer while reviewing logs for a web server. This error didn’t cause any user-side issue but it kept being flagged by SCCM.

Here is the Event 2264 with the entire error description:

The directory specified for caching compressed content C:\inetpub\temp\IIS Temporary Compressed Files\domain.com is invalid. Static compression is being disabled

Event 2264 - Static compression is being disabled
Event 2264 – Static compression is being disabled