We started to hear the term Cloud Computing frequently. Although the name gives us some clues, the logic behind it is a little different than it seems. In this article, I will briefly touch on the basic concepts of cloud computing.
Cloud computing is the provision of IT resources as a service. But “what is a resource?”, “what does it mean to offer as a service?”. Let me explain with a small example.
You will use an accounting program in your company. For this you need:
- Server and network infrastructure to host and present this program
- Installing the client version of this program on users’ computers
- The need for competent personnel for infrastructure and user problems
All these requirements cause a serious cost and labor loss. Instead, you can use this program as a service from a company that offers it as a web service. Like this:
- You don’t need infrastructure.
- It is sufficient to have a browser and an internet connection on the user computers.
- There is no need for any additional personnel.
As seen in this example, cloud computing has 5 main benefits:
- It lowers costs.
- No hardware or system requirements. It is enough to have a browser and internet connection.
- It can be connected from anywhere, regardless of the environment/location.
- There is no need for specialized personnel.
- It increases business continuity and reduces risks.
But is such a dusty-pink approach to cloud computing correct? Is there any downside? Unfortunately, the main risks that any new technology can involve can be listed for cloud computing as well:
- All your data is available at the service provider. So, can authorized persons access this data? There will be a doubt about the security of the data.
- Changing the partner service provider will be difficult. The standards required for the transfer of all data and settings to the other service provider are not yet settled. (Open Cloud Manifesto is an important step in this regard: www.opencloudmanifesto.org)
- Restrictions caused by legal regulations. Insufficient control mechanisms. Continuity of service providers.
So when we think in terms of service providers, how is cloud computing, what are its types?
- Software as a service: User connects to the application via browser or client program. Example: Google Docs, Zoho Office, Yahoo Mail
- Service as a platform: The service provider prepares the infrastructure, and the customers develop and host their applications on this infrastructure. Example: Salesforce.com, Google Apps Engine
- Infrastructure as a service: The customer uses a service provider for its system and infrastructure requirements. Example: Amazon, GoGrid
Cloud computing is a structure that should not be confused with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), but it has many similar features with SOA.
Note: The term “Cloud Computing” can be used for the term Cloud Computing. However, concepts such as “Cluster Computing” or “Cluster Computing” are not wrong either.